ARTHUR I. MILLER is emeritus professor of history and philosophy of science at University CollegeLondon. He is fascinated by the nature of creative thinking and, in particular, in creativity in art (on the one hand) and science (on the other). What are the similarities, what are the differences? An experienced broadcaster, lecturer and biographer, he is noted for being able to write engagingly about complex social and intellectual dramas, weaving the personal with the scientific to produce page-turners that read like novels.
His latest book is Deciphering the Cosmic Number: The Strange Friendship of Wolfgang Pauli and Carl Jung (W.W. Norton, 2009). The paperback version is 137: Jung, Pauli, and the Pursuit of a Scientific Obsession (W.W. Norton, 2010). Among his other books are Empire of the Stars (Little Brown, 2005), which was shortlisted for the 2006 Aventis Prize for Science Books, and Einstein, Picasso (Basic Books, 2001), which was nominated for the Pulitzer Prize.
He also co-curated the show Art & Science: Merging Art & Science to Make a Revolutionary New Art Movement at GV Art gallery in London. For more see the e-catalogue at (pdf).
Presently he is writing a book with the tentative title, The New Avant-Garde: Dispatches from the Edge of Science and Art, for which he recently interviewed Renate Quehenberger about the QC_project.
Arthur I Miller interview with Renate Quehenberger in Linz at Ars Electronica, Brucknerhaus
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