
Outlook in the case the proposal for QC part 2 (2013-15) will be approved by the FWF in December.
The interdisciplinary research team with Prof. Elisabeth von Samsonow ( Akademy of fine Arts), Prof. Helmut Rauch ( ATI Vienna), Prof. Martin Blümlinger ( TU Vienna) and Prof. Peter Weibel will be amplified by international cooperations as follows:

Bob Coecke

Bob Coecke (Professor of Quantum Foundations, Logics and Structures, Department of Computer Science, Oxford GB).
In the capacity of category theory and owing to his interest in the foundations of physics and the structures involved, he has agreed to sup-port further visualisation challenges as international partner of QC part 2 to support the quantum three-level system (qutrit).

Bob Coecke

Bob Coecke

Michel Planat

Michel Planat (Institut FEMTO-ST, CNRS, Besançon FR), an expert in finite geometry related to quantum information theory, well-known for the Saniga-Planat theorem) is working on unitary structures, such as Pauli Graphs of N-Qudits and has declared his interest in collaborating with the QC group for 3D visualisation of structures as intended in the proposal: 3-level quantum systems (qutrits).
In addition, he has suggested approaching the structures of geometric hyperplanes of the smallest split-Cayley Hexagon a BKS operator by AR: “some of the structures we are working on may have some interest to be visualized as you do in your group” (Michel Planat, recently per e-mail).

Michel Planat

Michel Planat

Split-Caley Hexagon

Walter Steurer

Prof. Walter Steurer (Laboratorium f. Kristallographie, ETH Zürich, CH) a capacity in quasicrystallography and renowned for his higher dimensional approach, he intends to be our external partner for discussions on the higher-dimensional configuration space.
His instructions and suggestions during our research on the packing of unit cells in hypercubic lat-tices that meet the unitary structures in QM are invaluable.